The government of Punjab, under the leadership of Chief Minister Ms. Maryam Nawaz Sharif, has introduced a remarkable initiative for widowed and divorced women under the age of 55. Through the Distribution of Free Cows and Buffaloes Scheme, eligible women can receive livestock to support their financial stability and earn money by selling milk.
Registration Process for the Scheme
Women who meet the eligibility criteria can follow these steps to register:
1. Submit the death certificate (for widows) or divorce certificate (for divorced women).
2. Provide your CNIC and registered mobile number.
3. Submit the required documents at the nearest veterinary clinic.
4. Upon successful registration, you will receive free cows or buffaloes.
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Benefits of the Scheme
The program aims to empower women financially. By taking care of the livestock and selling milk, participants can earn money to cover their essential expenses, support their families, and escape poverty. This initiative not only provides a sustainable source of income but also promotes self-reliance among women.
Required Documents
To register for the scheme, ensure you have the following:
Death certificate (widows) or divorce certificate (divorced women).
CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).
Mobile number registered in your name.
Online Apply Link
Why Participate?
Livestock is a valuable asset for poor women. Through this program, they can generate income by selling milk locally. This will help them take care of their children, cover household expenses, and build a better future.
Live Stock Card Update
Women registered under the Livestock Card can avail of this scheme and earn money by selling milk from their animals. Those not registered must apply to benefit from this opportunity.
This initiative aims to reduce poverty by empowering widows and divorced women through livestock distribution. By taking proper care of their animals, participants can earn money consistently and secure their financial future. Register today and take the first step towards self-reliance.